Owners and members

AB Samarkand2015 owners:
Ludvika Kommun
Smedjebackens kommun
Region Dalarna
Hitachi Energy
Samarkand2015 has about 85 members, both from privat and public actors and academy.
Representatives from the owners and members in the so called "Samarkand Advisory Member Group" meets four time a year.

What does membership mean?
A membership of Samarkand2015 means that you support Samarkand's activities and goals.
By becoming a member of the "Samarkand Advisory Member Group", companies / organizations get access to:
• a network of decision makers in business, academy and politics
• a platform for advocacy and influencing in areas such as education, research, infrastructure, recruiting and retaining competence
including "Jobs for both" and "Relocation Service", the region's attractiveness and the regions business development
• exchange of knowledge through meetings, seminars, study visits and reports
Usually one or a few persons in a leading position represents the company/organization as a member of Samarkand. Furhter can up to five persons from the company/organization be involved in and receive invitations to, for example, meetings and seminars. Among other things, we arrange "Meetingpoint Samarkand" with interesting lecturers three to four times a year. As guests we have, for example, had Thomas Carlzon, CEO at IKEA, Percy Barnevik and Mats Alvesson, professor of organization and leadership. This events is also an excellent opportunity to establish networks. Usually about 80-100 people attend the meetings.
Samarkand acts in a number of business areas and with a number of different working groups. Each member company/organization can be involved in business areas and work groups. Currently, the following working groups are "up and running"; the youth group, the infrastructure- and housing group, the communication group, the group for digitalization, the group for sustainability and an HR network. The members are also invited to Samarkand's various seminars.
The members in the Samarkand Advisory Member Group can be involved in and make an influence on the direction Samarkand's projects and strategic work. A member can be a part of Samarkand's project activities and participate in a control- or reference group, workshops, hearings etc.
Samarkand2015 have several projects, both ongong and completed, for example High Voltage Valley, which became a regular part of AB Samarkand2015's activities, Sustainable Västerbergslagen, Testbädd energy-efficient mines, Future competence, Future entrepreneurship, Solar Energy Ludvika and Move in Grangärde - a work-integrating social company for newly immigrated.
Knowledge Exchange
The members are invited to Samarkand's seminars, open lectures and meetings, and get access to reports and news.
More information, contact:
Lars Lindblom, lars.lindblom@samarkand2015.com Phone +46 240 860 40